I liked it
Hard, fun, funny, something else too. and to gothicanime (what a name) thats the style of the graphics. their not supposed to be high def
I liked it
Hard, fun, funny, something else too. and to gothicanime (what a name) thats the style of the graphics. their not supposed to be high def
pretty good
I liked it. I blocked the hole with blocks =P. The idea was good, the physics worked well too.
theres nothing to it. the game just isn't that good, the graphics are really boring, and so is the gameplay. the story isn't that good either. I really don't see how you got max games to sponsor you.
It's ok, but really there's nothing new. just another portal style game, like shift, exept with no shifting, just the gravity part. graphics aren't too good eather.
Its not that good, ok concept but the camera was really crappy and confusing, at one point I just jumped and cept on going forward and fell because the camera was zoomed in too much also you can climb any wall up with wall jump, just hold down right (or left) and up and you can get up any wall
Great It was very helpfuf, but the song... Anyway I found a few mistakes... check it over I think youll find them
Yeah, there are 1 or 2
q 46
is my record so far
when the controls switched
the thing went to the top left
I'm diabetic. Woo.
presing "m"
Joined on 8/13/07